
Showing posts from January, 2010

Concurso para a imagem gráfica do Voluntariado na U.Porto

Envio de propostas até 28 de Fevereiro São dez projectos, todos eles em áreas distintas, mas unidos pela ligação à Universidade do Porto e pelo objectivo de ajudar aqueles que mais precisam. Até ao próximo dia 28 de Fevereiro, é esse "espírito" comum que é convidado a traduzir numa só imagem, no âmbito do Concurso para o primeiro logótipo do Voluntariado da Universidade do Porto. Criada em 2009, a Comissão de Voluntariado da U.Porto é uma estrutura que pretende reunir e coordenar num mesmo espaço todos os projectos de voluntariado da Universidade. Uma ideia que ganhou vida em Dezembro passado, no I Encontro do Voluntariado na U.Porto , um evento que deu a conhecer as várias iniciativas organizadas de voluntariado na instituição, divididas por acções como o apoio tutorial a alunos do Ensino Básico e a estudantes universitários estrangeiros, ou o desenvolvimento de acções de assistência humanitária. Dirigido a todos os estudantes da universidade, nomeadamente das áreas de...

Lançada 2ª edição Prémio Inovação Valorpneu

A Sociedade Valorpneu lançou o Prémio Inovação 2010 com o objectivo de “ premiar soluções inovadoras para o destino sustentável dos pneus usados em Portugal ”. O prémio priveligia soluções na área da engenharia, arquitectura e design e destina-se a todos os estudantes do ensino superior nacional. O prazo de entrega de propostas decorre até 13 Setembro 2010. O Prémio Inovação ValorPneu foi criado em 2009, tendo contado com a adesão de várias universidades nacionais pelo que repete a segunda edição em 2010. O prémio tem o valor pecuniário de 7500 euros e contempla a atribuição de um estágio profissional remunerado para o vencedor, havendo ainda lugar a duas menções honrosas no valor de 2500 euros cada. Os destinatários do Prémio são estudantes do ensino superior nacional, universitário e politécnico, público e privado que tenham ou estejam a desenvolver trabalhos ao nível do Bacharelato, licenciatura, mestrado, doutoramento ou pós-graduação e ainda jovens inv...


 Unemployed Architect?? surviving with a temporary job in MacDonalds or Starbucks or simply scratching yourself at home?? Never before have so many unemployed architects been infiltrating other industries to finance a living. Never before has there been the opportunity for so many architectural eyes to evaluate the efficiency of the design of the industry.  If you find that you are flippin´ burgers then stop to re-assess the design…why not place cows in the car park or chickens on the roof of a KFC??  Perhaps the next time on your trip to the benefits office you have a look at the city transport system where you live and improve its efficiency or even re-evaluate where your toilet faeces end up after you drop a bomb at home  The competition is to re-design or create a new design of a system which can be integrated within a building or city. There are no limits on ideas, however, the process must be thought through from start to finish with an element of pra...


  Calling all architects, collectives, designers, students, studios and enthusiasts of art and design. The competition is now open for entries.  Categories: •The Mosque through Architecture •The Majlis through Interior Design •A Pattern through Graphic Design •A Public Installation through Experimental Design  Prize: Traffic commits to the realization and production of all winning designs. A trophy designed by traffic will also be presented during the awards ceremony.  


  Good design determines how well products, spaces, and systems work from the beginning. We think that great design ideas can make things work even better. One Design Fix for the Future challenges you to prove us right—whether you are an architect, interior designer, product designer, landscape designer, graphic designer, communication designer. We’re looking for ONE design fix you can make now in your designed environment—the products you use, your home, your workplace, your city, or any commercial application—that, in scale or as inspiration, can improve our future.  To enter, provide one small (but brilliant and elegant) fix—leading to an incremental (or dramatic) change in sustainability. Your fix needn’t have anything to do with “environmentalist engineering” to make a difference. Concentrate on what you know best, are aching to improve in a way that deploys your training and imagination. The Next Generation Design...

Discursos (Re)visitados - Ciclo de Vídeo

Ciclo de Vídeo. Reposição das Conferências Discursos sobre Arquitectura(1) FAUP, 1990 2 de Fevereiro - 20 de Abril 2010 "Discursos sobre Arquitectura" foi um ciclo de conferências que reuniu, em 1990, no Auditório da Escola Superior das Belas Artes do Porto, um conjunto notável de arquitectos. A Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto marcava assim a entrada na última década do século com uma iniciativa de grande alcance e ambição. Alguns nomes, então numa primeira fase das suas carreiras, como Jacques Herzog e Peter Zumthor seriam mais tarde reconhecidos com o Prémio Pritzker. James Stirling, uma figura central da arquitectura do pós-guerra, faria aqui uma das suas últimas conferências. Para aqueles que na altura puderam presenciar as conferências, estudantes de arquitectura, arquitectos e professores, o ambiente era intenso e a expectativa do encontro com algumas das figuras já míticas da arquitectura contemporânea pairava no ar. Passados 20 anos, muitas c...

Um arquitecto modernista do Porto

Por Sérgio C. Andrade Desapareceu o autor do Parque Residencial da Boavista/Foco. Um arquitecto que acrescentou à lição do modernismo "uma vertente mais orgânica de solidez, qualidade e conforto" O arquitecto portuense Agostinho Ricca (1915-2010) morreu domingo, e o funeral realizou-se segunda-feira de manhã, às 10h30, da Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Boavista (ao Foco), no Porto, para o Cemitério Municipal n.º 2 de Matosinhos/Sendim. É um regresso simbólico à igreja que ele próprio projectou (1975-79) e que deixa por uma última vez fisicamente associados o nome de Ricca com a sua obra mais emblemática no Porto - onde nasceu e desenvolveu o essencial do seu trabalho como arquitecto, urbanista e professor. A Igreja da Boavista/Foco, que só muito recentemente foi completada nas suas múltiplas valências, é um marco na moderna arquitectura religiosa no Porto, pelo despojamento do betão descofrado aparente nas paredes e nos tectos e pelo modo como aproveita a luz natural par...

Ane Brun - The Treehouse Song




The Visual Arts Week Society is seeking architecture-related proposals for the 18th incarnation of Artcity Festival. We are seeking proposals for temporary architectural installations that address a township or multiple structure theme, the nomadic nature of Artcity festival, the utopian nature of outdoor rock music festivals, and/or the need for a space/structure where the public can congregate en masse, enjoy, and be challenged.  


DEADLINE: February 15, 2010 (Submission) The National Building Museum is calling on architects, planners, landscape architects, students, and the general public to grab a video camera, or even their cell phone, and document great green places in their communities. Films should be no longer than six minutes and should investigate what works as the local neighborhood’s “ Great Green Place .” Submit your video by February 15, 2010 for a chance to be selected for live screening as part of the Museum’s participation in the DC Environmental Film Festival in March 2010.  


DEADLINE: January 18, 2010 (Submission) Flux Factory’s first major show at our new building, opening Friday, February 19, will consecrate the space as a social structure, a conceptual place, a workshop for craft and ideas, and a space of art conception, production and consumption. Most importantly, it will inaugurate the space as a complex, ever-evolving, multimedia, radical work of art: an installation to the scale of a full building. It will be an exercise in architecture, interior design, social practice, and general aesthetics covering every room, every surface, and every object of the building and affecting every physical and conceptual space. Artists will intervene throughout the building in the largest collaboration in Flux Factory’s 15 year-long history. We are taking proposals for various artist-made fixtures such as wallpaper, wall paintings, floors, lights, doors, windows, drapes, along with an eclectic collection of furniture, art objects, artifacts, and time...


DEADLINE: February 10, 2010 (Submission) Sponsored by the Environmental Design Research Organization, in collaboration with Places: Design Observer and Metropolis , the Great Places Awards recognize professional and scholarly excellence in environmental design. Submissions are accepted in four categories: place research, place planning, place design, and book award. Projects should emphasize a link between research and practice, demonstrating how an understanding of human interaction with place can inspire design. Find more information at  


DEADLINE: February 15, 2010 (Submission) announces an entirely new kind of architectural award that chooses its winner from the losing competition entries of 2009. Every year architects submit thousands of projects to competitions without receiving recognition or compensation for their work; this award is a do-over. Entries are easily uploaded to Architizer for consideration and there is no fee for submission. Entrants are only required to include three images, a text description, and credit for the entire team. Competition Competition 2010 is open to everyone who did not win a first prize. Submissions will be evaluated solely on their architectural merit, not on the criteria of the original competition for which they were created. For more information, visit  
2010 METROPOLIS Next Generation Design Competition CALL FOR ENTRIES Good design determines how well products, spaces, and systems work from the beginning. We think that great design ideas can make things work even better. One Design Fix for the Future challenges you to prove us right—whether you are an architect, interior designer, product designer, landscape designer, graphic designer, communication designer. We’re looking for ONE design fix you can make now in your designed environment—the products you use, your home, your workplace, your city, or any commercial application—that, in scale or as inspiration, can improve our future. To enter, provide one small (but brilliant and elegant) fix—leading to an incremental (or dramatic) change in sustainability. Your fix needn’t have anything to do with “environmentalist engineering” to make a difference. Concentrate on what you know best, are aching to improve in a way that deploys yo...


DEADLINE: January 15, 2010 (Submission) The International Contemporary Furniture Fair (ICFF) will be held May 15–18, 2010, at New York City ’s Jacob K. Javits Convention Center . ICFF Studio invites submissions of product prototypes from designers working on any and all the product categories exhibited at the ICFF. Selected designers win a spot to display their prototypes on the ICFF exhibition floor at ICFF Studio, a group area with individual booths designed by TRUCK Product Architecture. Winners will be assisted in making connections with potential manufacturers, retailers, and the press. More information at  


DEADLINE: January 18, 2010 (Submission) The annual 2010 Skyscraper Competetion, organized by eVolo Magazine , is open to students and professional architects, engineers, and designers. The main idea is to examine the relationship between the skyscraper and the natural world, the skyscraper and the community, and the skyscraper and urban living. The objective is to provide maximum freedom to propose the most innovative projects for this architecture genre.  

Autodesk com programa de apoio a desempregados das áreas de projecto, arquitectura e engenharia

Reconhecendo o impacto dos desafios do contexto económico actual e as necessidades dos arquitectos, engenheiros e projectistas que se encontram actualmente desempregados, a Autodesk lança o Autodesk Assistance Programme. Um programa que permite rentabilizar o tempo e habilitações dos profissionais desempregados, mantendo-se competitivos junto do mercado de trabalho e contribuindo para a sua mais rápida reintegração no mesmo. Este programa oferece software para estudantes e formação on-line gratuita permitindo que os profissionais contactem com as versões mais recentes da tecnologia. Faculta igualmente preços mais reduzidos para formação presencial e certificação pessoal, a partir do momento em que a mesma for lançada em Portugal. Consulte aqui mais informação .  

Alicia Keys-Redemption song

Elisa - Come and Sit Live

Alexandre Alves Costa | última aula FAUP

21 de Janeiro de 2009, Porto Alexandre Alves Costa, Professor Catedrático da Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto, apresenta a sua "última aula", a 21 de Janeiro, 17h30, no Auditório Fernando Távora da FAUP, sob o título 'Nós somos da Póvoa do Varzim'. A aula é aberta, sujeita à lotação da sala. Mais informações em  

International Velux Award | candidaturas

1 de Fevereiro de 2010, data limite de entrega de candidaturas 'Light of Tomorrow' é o tema geral da presente edição do  International VELUX Award, que pretende incentivar estudantes de arquitectura a explorar o tema da iluminação solar tentando aprofundar o conhecimento desta fonte de luz e de energia. As inscrições estão abertas até 1 de Fevereiro de 2010 e os projectos devem ser submetidos até 3 de Maio. Mais informações em  

Competition / Triple Canopy : 1st Call for Proposals / Triple Canopy Triple Canopy is pleased to announce its first call for proposals. We will be commissioning ten projects spanning the five areas outlined below?original research, new-media journalism, public programming, Internet-specific artwork, and critical dialogues?to be published in the magazine and presented before live audiences in the next year. Submissions and proposals are due by February 15, 2010. For more detailed information, visit our commissions page. This first round of commissions is supported in part by a generous grant from the Brown Foundation, Inc. of Houston . Commissions will be accompanied by a modest honorarium, the amount of which will reflect the scope of the project and the cost of its development. Support future commissions by making a tax-deductible contribution online now. Project Areas: Research Work Research Work was established to facilitate the creation of research projects that are produced ...

Call for Submissions and Nominations

Now accepting submissions and nominations for the following types: Health Care by January 25, 2010 Schools by February 1, 2010 Pure Innovation Please submit at any time innovative projects you feel are worthy of consideration for publication in Architype Review. Submission Guidelines Please note the following guidelines: 1. There is no fee, but you must be a subscriber to submit a project: Subscribe 2. Submissions must be received on or before deadline noted above (deadlines are subject to change) 3. Projects must be from types listed above. (Types are subject to change or cancellation) 4. If selected as a notable project for an upcoming issue, you will be asked for additional information and materials about the project. 5. See additional notes below Submission Material Any subscriber can submit a project by sending the following to Download a PDF version .  

Projecta Futuro

Image “O objectivo do movimento projecta futuro é a aproximação dos estudantes de arquitectura ao trabalho e actividades exercidas pelos jovens arquitectos portugueses, promovendo assim uma ligação que parece ténue, pois permanece na sombra da admiração dos estudantes por arquitectos já com várias obras construídas e publicadas. Pretendemos assim criar pontes de ligação entre as várias gerações e também olhar o futuro com a certeza de que quem projecta futuro será quem constrói o presente. Paralelamente serão publicadas notícias sobre arquitectura realizada por todo o mundo que consideremos interessantes e que sirvam para mostrar aos estudantes e jovens arquitectos portugueses o que se anda a projectar lá por fora.”

Exposição de fotografia "Cogumelos: uma fatia de biodiversidade"

O Parque Biológico de Gaia organiza, de 6 de Fevereiro a 26 de Março, a exposição de fotografia de natureza "Cogumelos: uma fatia de biodiversidade". "Na altura certa, depois da chuva molhar a terra, os cogumelos, revelam-se. Sem aviso, afastam detritos, levantam folhas caídas e, com formas patuscas, desafiam a criatividade de qualquer pessoa", escrevem os organizadores. "Trazem mensagens de um nível oculto da vida, que fervilha sob os nossos pés, tantas vezes menosprezado. Vários autores trazem luz a esta fatia da biodiversidade". A exposição abre dia 6 de Fevereiro às 15h00. Via:

Falta de planeamento urbanístico potencia riscos e vulnerabilidades ao mau tempo

O presidente da Associação Portuguesa de Técnicos de Segurança e Protecção Civil denunciou hoje a existência de "falhas, erros e omissões" na implementação urbanística que as Câmaras autorizam "sem ter em conta a segurança e o conforto das populações". Apontando como exemplo as consequências das cheias de Dezembro em Rio Tinto (Gondomar), Ricardo Ribeiro considera que um planeamento urbano que não tenha em conta as linhas de água, as zonas de leito de cheia e a mobilidade dos veículos de socorro "cria indubitavelmente situações que configuram completas armadilhas para populações e para quem as socorre". "O que aconteceu em Rio Tinto é o exemplo do que o mau (ou inexistente) planeamento urbanístico pode causar, ainda que neste caso em escala reduzida", refere o presidente da Asprocivil. Ricardo Ribeiro entende que "estes perigos de natureza, única e exclusivamente, humana aliados a diversas vulnerabilidades, criam novos riscos ou pote...

Cassandra Wilson - Quiet Nights of Quiet Stars (Corcovado)

Exposição colectiva de Fotografia no espaço cultural "A CADEIRA DE VAN GOGH"

Inauguração no próximo sábado, 9 de Janeiro, pelas 21:30. Estão convidados.   Como chegar:

Temporary Outdoor Gallery Space 3 (TOGS 3) competition

Art Alliance Austin continues a successful partnership with AIA-Austin and Austin Foundation for Architecture to solicit ideas for the Temporary Outdoor Gallery Space 3 (TOGS 3) competition in 2010. Objective - The third annual Temporary Outdoor Gallery Space Ideas Competition (TOGS 3) enhances the global dialogue between art and architecture while offering emerging professionals in the fields of architecture and design the opportunity to garner international attention. Purpose - This Ideas Competition generates innovative proposals for a temporary outdoor structure that will function simultaneously as an exhibition space and as an architectural exhibition. Mission - TOGS™ challenges the visual and conceptual boundaries of the outdoor gallery space, transforming the open-air art fair experience into one that showcases the synergy between art and architecture and brings both to the public realm. Requirements - More Info Requirements and deadlines for the 2010 compe...

2009-2010 Steel Design Student Competition

INTRODUCTION The Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA) is pleased to announce the tenth annual steel design student competition for the 2009-2010 academic year. Administered by the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA) and sponsored by the American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC), the program is intended to challenge students, working individually or in teams, to explore a variety of design issues related to the use of steel in design and construction. THE CHALLENGE The 2009-2010 Steel Design Student Competition will offer architecture students the opportunity to compete in two separate categories. CATEGORY I RE-LIGARE INSTITUTE: Reconnecting Mind And Body (re-ligare: re “again” + ligare “to connect”) challenges architecture students to design a public urban center dedicated to reconnecting people with their authentic selves, others, and nature. This new institution aims at stopping the enslaving cycles of ...

AIAS/SAGE Student Design Competition: Rethinking Home

This design competition challenges students to investigate an existing SNF and develop an original set of design standards for renovation and new construction to meet today’s use of nursing facilities while improving on aspects of living conditions and work environment. The developed program includes a set of drawings, general programmatic constraints and recommended space requirements for redeveloping a real life case study located in Florida . Sponsored by S.A.G.E. and administered by the American Institute of Architecture Students (AIAS), the program challenges students to learn about skilled nursing home design, specifically the challenges of breaking from the model of staff-centric operating philosophies to resident-directed care. Total prize money is $7225.00 with $2500.00 for First place! ENTRY DEADLINE:  Mar 05, 2010 WEB SITE:

AIAS/MBI Student Design Competition: Miami Beach Hotel

Sponsored by the Modular Building Institute and administered by the American Institute of Architecture Students (AIAS), the program challenges students to learn about modular building techniques and systems in the design of a modern and sustainable Miami Beach hotel. The competition is designed for North American design students of all ages. Total prize money is $7,225, including $2,500 for the first place winning design. ENTRY DEADLINE:  Feb 01, 2010 WEB SITE:

EDAW Student Competition

Who The competition is open to undergraduate and graduate students at all levels of higher education in all countries of the world. Entrants must be enrolled in a certified programme at the time of registration. Submissions may be from individuals or teams of up to 4 members, and should reflect the multi-disciplinary issues identified in the brief. What EDAW AECOM is seeking submissions for its first sponsored competition, the EDAW Student Competition (ESC), in order to look at the range of interventions required to stabilise these challenged urban communities in an increasingly unstable and uncertain environment. What are the pressures/problems facing a specific urban site? How are these affected by global climate and sustainability issues? What are the creative solutions to address these problems, which may include greater public regulation, stimulating private investment, community-based action or voluntary sector initiatives? (…) When The competition has a tw...


INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION FOR STUDENTS ON THE TOPIC OF URBAN FURNITURE Changes in the living environment are the consequence of impact and flow of time. Space for living is inseparable from architecture, where architecture and time are in constant mutual conjunction. We invite all the students of architecture to think about the phenomenon and meaning of time in a new and different way and to use that in design of a concrete and impressionable solution – urban furniture . The challenge of the task is to offer an original concept that would lead to the final product, which would be represented through a certain category, material, and ratios. The competition is open for all the students of basic, Bachelor and Master Studies of architecture from Serbia and from abroad ( Europe ). It is necessary to keep in mind that the conceptual solution will be produced in practice. Authors of projects produce their solutions themselves and they should take care of clarity, details, attract...